Htoe Myar — Karenni State residents say
they want teachers who teach their school subjects after hours to the
students for a fee to stop doing so.
Social Service and Development Department’s Director Sayarma Naw Lee
Myar said the government needs to enforce the education law that bans
“Now, preschool children are being taught lessons and asked to write.
Kindergarten students have to attend tuition. The students from the 9th
and 10th standards have no time to rest. Sometimes, they couldn’t even
rest when the schools are closed. They have to attend tuition. Although
they a chance to attend schools and learn, they are living with stress.
Many children don’t get to play during playtime because they are being
pressured with school work,” she said.
Daw Shar Buu, a teacher from Demoso High School, said the tuition
system is inconvenient for parents and causes poor morale for the
students who cannot afford the after hours classes.
Troops from the Burmese government’s Border Guard Force (BGF) injured three members of the unarmed Pat Ja San (PJS) opium eradication team when they attacked them on the morning of 25 February.
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